Sunday, August 14, 2016

Alice Through The Looking Glass

Aliccee!! I watched it at midnight yesterday and OMG.. we were the only two people in the cinema. I have no idea why it was so quiet. There was only 1 person on the studio next to us!
Movie was awesome. The movie starts where it left off in the last movie. Most of it is located in Wonderland. Awesome performance by Mia who played Alice and of course, the Mad Hatter by Johnny Depp. This movie is fun to watch with new character like Time. Cool character. Love it.

See?? I wasn't lying. We were the only two people.. That red haired guy is Jeff. The light shown at his head. It turned red. Go watch this if you love Alice or if you love Disney in general.

JeffCha <3

"The only way to achieve the impossible is to believe it is possible"

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