Tuesday, November 22, 2016


Hi guys we are back in Indonesia! At it's been chaotic here. If you guys haven't read the news.. lots of demonstrations and rioting are taking place at the moment everywhere. Especially in Jakarta. Well, even Solo here had a demonstration the other day-!! Sucks. So far it's just been disturbing the traffic and all but all of the minorities here (Chinese descent like myself) are worried that this riot can turn into the '98 Riot which was such a chaos. If you guys have no idea please google it. Well if that happens, we are definitely out of here. We are what people call a "double minorities" (Chinese and Christian) so that just makes it worst.
Lots of my friends now have migrated to another country for good and so as more and more of our acquantainces and friends leaving the country it makes us questioned ourselves, Is it time for us to move as well? Maybe we should migrate cuz the situation in Indonesia is getting worse. We are complaining everyday, sick of everything here, no life, no food that we love and the most important thing is, we aren't happy. We are like zombies trying to live each day. This is not the life we wanted. We are basically just fed up with everything.

Anyway, we've been thinking of returning to Aussie maybe if all falls to plan. Obviously it's a much safer and better place for us to settle down. I'm scared to settle down here in Indonesia. The thought of raising a child here in Indonesia just scares me.. actually, us. With what it going on at the moment, we are definitely not planning one yet. 

Tomorrow is always a new day, right. Don't wanna write about it too much. Don't wanna jinx it. Hehehe let's just hope when the time is right.. we shall fly away from here. ^^

Well, let's just pray for the best!


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